What We Do
The NRCB is responsible for reviews of proposed major natural resource projects under the Natural Resources Conservation Board Act (NRCBA), and for the regulation of confined feeding operations (CFOs) in Alberta under the Agricultural Operation Practices Act (AOPA).
The Board is responsible for quasi-judicial reviews under the Natural Resources Conservation Board Act, appeals under the Agricultural Operation Practices Act, and governance. The Board has a chair and two members. Acting Board members provide support to the Board in times of increased activity.
Members of the Board are recruited by open competition and are appointed by the Lieutenant Governor-in-Council for terms that do not exceed five years.
General Counsel
General Counsel provides legal advice, support and assistance to Board members to ensure fair and transparent decisions.
Board Reviews
Board Reviews staff help stakeholders participate in and understand reviews conducted under both acts.
Led by the chief executive officer, the operational divisions deliver the ongoing regulation of confined feeding operations under the AOPA and provide scientific, technical, communications, and corporate support for Board hearings and reviews under both the NRCBA and AOPA. Operations also develops policy and programs to support delivery of the act through consultation with the Policy Advisory Group, a multi-stakeholder advisory body with representation from the livestock industry, rural and urban municipalities, the environmental non-government sector, and government.
Chief Legal Officer - Operations
The chief legal officer provides legal advice, support and assistance to the operational divisions of the NRCB and to field staff regarding their interpretation of AOPA and its regulations, and administers requests for information under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP).
Supports the Board and operations in their communication with stakeholders and within the NRCB, manages special projects and media liaison, and provides writing and editing assistance for the organization.
Corporate Services
Provides financial management and human resource services, and manages the NRCB’s third-party contract for information technology (IT) support services.
Field Services
Provides regulatory services under AOPA. Approval officers review permit applications and issue decisions. Inspectors respond to complaints and ensure compliance with the act and conditions attached to permits. Approval officers and inspectors work out of the NRCB’s three field offices.
Science and Technology
Provides scientific and technical support for ongoing regulatory functions under AOPA. Also provides scientific and technical support for the review of environmental impact assessments and for evidence filed during Board review hearings of major natural resource development projects under the NRCBA.