About Natural Resource Project Reviews

The Board conducts independent, quasi-judicial reviews of proposed natural resource projects to determine their public interest. The Board’s mandate and project criteria are set out in the Natural Resources Conservation Board Act (NRCBA). 

Projects may be referred to the Board by Order in Council. Project proposals are automatically referred to the NRCB if they are required under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act to submit an environmental impact assessment. Projects include forestry, water management and recreation. 

Section 4 of the act lists the projects that are reviewable in accordance with the act and regulations: (a) forest industry projects, (b) recreational or tourism projects, (c) repealed 2021 cM-16.8 s58; (d) water management projects, (e) any other type of project prescribed in the regulations, and (f) specific projects prescribed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council. 

The Board weighs the potential environmental, economic, and social impacts associated with each proposal. Reviews may be jointly conducted with other provincial or federal regulators. 

Panel members are appointed by the Chair. 

An approval issued by the Board under the NRCBA must be authorized by the Alberta cabinet and is in addition to licences, permits, or approvals required by other acts, regulations, or by-laws.