Forage and Directly Seeded Crops
Operators who apply manure or compost on forage or directly-seeded crops must meet the minimum setback distances for manure application set out in section 24 of the Standards and Administration Regulation, keeping in mind the average slope of the land towards the common body of water. Manure run off must not enter a common body of water.
- A 30 metre setback is required when spreading on land that has a four per cent or less mean slope towards the common body of water, measured over 90 metres from the edge of the common body of water.
- A 60 metre setback is required when spreading on land that has a four to six per cent mean slope towards the common body of water, measured over 90 metres from the edge of the common body of water.
- A 90 metre setback is required when spreading on land that has a mean slope of six to 12 per cent towards the common body of water, measured over 90 metres from the edge of the common body of water.
- Manure or compost may not be applied on land that has a mean slope to a common body of water that is greater than 12 per cent.
For more information, please refer to the Agriculture and Irrigation fact sheet, “Manure Spreading Regulations" below.
Manure Spreading Regulations - Fact Sheet