About the Regulation

The Agricultural Operation Practices Act (AOPA) sets out the technical requirements that must be met by confined feeding operations, and the regulatory and review responsibilities of the NRCB. The legislation is the responsibility of Agriculture & Irrigation.

AOPA delegated responsibility for confined feeding operations to the NRCB on January 1, 2002. Before 2002, licensing and compliance monitoring were the responsibility of Alberta’s municipalities.

Approval officers review applications for new and expanding operations. Inspectors ensure that confined feeding operations comply with AOPA, its regulations, and their permit conditions. The Board of the NRCB provides a review function for approval officer and inspector decisions.

Approval officers and inspectors are bound by the provisions in AOPA. These include public notification, and consistency with municipal development plan land use provisions and legislated standards that address the effects on neighbours and the environment.

Approval officers must also ensure that applications are consistent with Alberta Land Stewardship Act regional plans.

For information or complaints, contact the nearest field office, or after hours, contact the reporting line at 1-866-383-6722 (toll free).