NRCB installs air quality monitoring unit in High River to help assess odours
The Natural Resources Conservation Board (NRCB) has purchased and installed a new air quality monitoring unit in High River to provide additional information related to odours experienced by area residents.
The Scentroid CTair unit will measure air quality parameters typically associated with odours from livestock confined feeding operations. The portable unit has been installed at the same location as the portable air monitoring laboratory already providing air quality data through a partnership between the Calgary Region Airshed Zone (CRAZ), the Town of High River, and Alberta Environment and Protected Areas. The NRCB’s CTair unit will measure additional air quality parameters to those measured by the CRAZ station. The NRCB will be working closely with CRAZ to monitor and analyze data from the CTair together with the data from the portable air monitoring laboratory.
The NRCB is committed to making the air quality data collected from the CTair accessible to the public and will be posting the data on the NRCB website. The air quality data collected by the NRCB will be released on a monthly basis beginning in mid-June, after the data collected in each month has been validated. Data from the portable air monitoring laboratory can be accessed on the CRAZ website.
The CTair unit will provide the NRCB with another tool to help monitor and address odours related to the Rimrock Feeders feedlot west of High River.
Click here for FAQs and additional technical information related to the NRCB’s CTair unit in High River.